+++ Ravenwing (1850) +++

++ Ravenwing Strike Force (1625) ++

+ Fast Attack (930) +

Ravenwing Bike Squad (215)
4x Ravenwing Biker - 2x Grav Gun
Ravenwing Attack Bike - Multi-Melta
Ravenwing Sergeant - Melta Bombs

Grim Resolve - Hammer of Wrath - Hit & Run - Outflank - Ravenwing - Scout

Ravenwing Bike Squad (215)
4x Ravenwing Biker - 2x Grav Gun
Ravenwing Attack Bike - Multi-Melta
Ravenwing Sergeant - Melta Bombs

Grim Resolve - Hammer of Wrath - Hit & Run - Outflank - Ravenwing - Scout

Ravenwing Black Knights (205)
4x Black Knight - Ravenwing Grenade Launcher
Huntmaster - Melta Bombs

Grim Resolve - Hammer of Wrath - Hit & Run - Outflank - Rad Charge - Ravenwing - Scout - Skilled Rider - Stasis Anomaly

Ravenwing Black Knights (200)
4x Black Knight - Ravenwing Grenade Launcher

Grim Resolve - Hammer of Wrath - Hit & Run - Outflank - Rad Charge - Ravenwing - Scout - Skilled Rider - Stasis Anomaly

+ Elites (215) +

Ravenwing Command Squad (215)
4x Black Knight - 2x Ravenwing Grenade Launcher - Ravenwing Company Banner
Ravenwing Apothecary
Ravenwing Champion - Blade of Caliban

Feel No Pain - Grim Resolve - Hammer of Wrath - Hit & Run - Outflank - Rad Charge - Ravenwing - Scout - Skilled Rider - Stasis Anomaly

+ HQ (480) +

Interrogator-Chaplain (170) - Auspex - Power Fist - Rosarius

Deathwing - Fear - Preferred Enemy (Chaos Space Marines) - Zealot

Crozius Arcanum - Shroud of Heroes - Space Marine Bike
Feel No Pain -Hammer of Wrath - Shrouded

Librarian (110) - Psychic Hood

Deathwing - Grim Resolve

Force Axe - Space Marine Bike
Psyker Mastery Level 2

Sammael (200) - Iron Halo

Grim Resolve - Outflank - Ravenwing - Scout - Skilled Rider

Warlord Trait:
Rapid Manoeuvre

Corvex (Jetbike) - Plasma Cannon
Raven Sword

Eternal Warrior - Fearless, Gets Hot - Hatred (Chaos Space Marines) - Hit & Run - Mastercrafted - Swift Vengeance

++ Dark Angels Formation Detachment (225+95) ++ Ravenwing Support Squadron

Grim Resolve - Interceptor - Ravenshield - Strafing Run - Support squadron - Anti-Grav Upwash

Ravenwing Land Speeder - Heavy Bolter - Typhoon Missile Launcher
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Heavy Bolter - Typhoon Missile Launcher
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Heavy Bolter - Typhoon Missile Launcher

Ravenwing Darkshroud (95) - Assault Cannon

Deep Strike - Fear - Icon of Old Caliban, Jink - Outflank - Ravenwing - Scout - Shrouded - Stealth

++ Selection Rules ++

Anti-grav Upwash:
With at least 3 Ravewning Land Speeders, a Speeder can move an additional 6" when moving Flat Out.

Grim Resolve:
A model with this rule has Stubborn and therefore ignores negative Leadership modifiers. In addition they may never choose to fail a morale check. Allows overwatch to be resolved at BS2.

Hatred (Chaos Space Marines):
Reroll all misses in the first round of each close combat.

Icon of Old Caliban:
All friendlies within 6" have Fear and Stealth. Units beginning their assault phase within 6" are not subjective to Overwatch.

Rad Charge:
On a to-wound roll of 6, two wounds are caused independent from the targets toughness.

May fire overwatch if another Ravenwing unit within 24" is being assaulted.. To fire a template weapon, they must be within 6" of the charged friendly unit.

Reroll failed cover saves when jinking.

Stasis Anomaly:
Every model of a unit hit by one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 penalty to their Weapon Skill and Initiative, to a minimum of 1, until the end of the turn.

Swift Vengeance:
Sammael may fire up to two weapons.

Warlord Trait: Rapid Manoeuvre:
Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, can either roll 2 dice when they run, using the highest roll, or can add D6" to any Turbo-boost they make (or Flat Out move, in the case of Master Sammael on his Land Speeder).

Automatically pass all Pinning-, Fear- and Regroup tests and Morale checks. Cannot go to ground or use the "Our Weapons Are Useless" rule. Unit re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of each close combat.