So not much to say about this that hasn't been said before, but finally got a decent camera so here are some better pictures of my recently completed Orks Bad Moons army. Now I have a decent camera I shall do a few more of these pic heavy army posts over the next few weeks to show off some old stuff that I have never been able to put good pictures up of. I may give a bit more sentence structure with the other ones, but as this lot were so recent a quick summary in the picture captions should suffice.
My Mad Doc Grotsnik
Gazza, painboy, and the Lucky Stix wielding kff Big Mek. These three have allowed me to tank so many wounds frustrating so many opponents, it's been immense fun.

A small sample of almost 60 boyz... Not really many for an ork army but gazza and co account for a lot of points in this list, and being Bad Moons I put plenty of other expensive shiny toys in there for them. So basic boyz are fairly few in number...

My mega grots. I figured with this many spare meganob parts lying around and Grotsnik liable to get bored, he'd "improve" some of the runts...
...including making a "kontempa grot"...

...and this poor bastard, who got given a beefy power fist, but no servos or enhanced muscles or anything...

I also did a squad of Stormboyz early on, just to break things up a bit...

And a dakkawing made from a deffkopta and some spare bitz

"Use Da Force, Brute"

Ghazzas Battlewagon

I am proud to say that with the ramps dropped the "hull" is extended by 2 inches... which of course I don't use in a cheating way, I just like the accurate representation of the boarding planks rule!

Subtle these guys aint...

Plenty of (albeit rather unnecessary given they drop and go) dakka...

Some artillery pieces that are rarely used in a flyer sparse environment like my local club but I do love the traktor beams rules...

The first truk I painted, the first time I used salt weathering, and really was chuffed with the result. This kicked this project massively into swing...
Tin Lizzy. I've had this model for years because I loved it, but couldn't reconcile it with a speed freaks army. So glad it finally has paint on it and can see the tabletop. Even if it is rubbish rules wise!

The angled foot was an assembly mistake but I decided to make the best of it...

And where Tin Lizzy goes, the rest of the gang come too...

Yup, all of them...

imbued with (for a grot) godlike power, I can imagine the pilot giggling maniacally as he stamps on his former brethren...

I found this model online and love it...

Mekboy junka with shock attack gun. Won me my first game with it's first shot. I feared it would not repeat the endeavour, but risked it in a second game. Blew itself up with it's first shot. Classic.

Orktimus Prime...

One of two similar battlewagons...

Some Nobs bikers plus Painboy on bike

Grotsniks "modified" meganobz...

Ghazzas super ard dead killy meganobz...