Here's another classic model, an old one-piece Apothecary. I picked him up when I picked up the Chaplain. While he is a nice model, I got him mostly because I wanted the option to run a Command Squad on foot using all of my Sternguard special weapon marines.

He's a bit static but he was still fun to paint. I went for a standard white armor, relying on layering to give the model some definition. I wanted to give him a bit of Executioner freehand, but a skull or axe seemed an odd choice for a medic. I settled on a red shield on his right knee. Also, I think it shows the age of this model that there are actually two hearts molded onto him (his belt and right shoulder pad, which isn't visible in the photos). That's not very grimdark.

Here he is with a plasma Command squad, which is probably how I'll run him. Feel No Pain makes massed plasma guns much less risky.