This Whirlwind was a gift from Dardreg Gargant and has been sitting on my shelf for a while. Not because I don't like the model but just because I've never needed it for my army. However, the new Armored Task Force needs a lot of tanks, and the Whirlwind is a perfect addition. I'm also gaining a new appreciation for artillery due to the Thunderfire Cannons.

Even so, I'm not sure how often I'll use a Whirlwind, so some flexibility would be helpful. Therefore, I magnetized the top hatch so it could be used as a Rhino as well. You can never have enough Rhinos, especially with the Battle Company's free transports.

Other than the fact that the door on the right side of the Rhino can't open because there's a chain across it, I think it makes for a nice looking Rhino (the fifth for my Executioners).

Next up will be another tank for the Executioners.