This game is from earlier this afternoon. We were testing one of the BeakyCon5 sample missions (same as the game versus Salamanders):

Deployment - Vanguard Strike

Primary Objectives:
1) Emperor's Will
2) Slay the Warlord

Each primary objective is worth 20 battle points if you win, 10 battle points for a draw and 0 if you lose.

Secondary Objectives:
First Strike - Line Breaker - Last Strike

You score First Strike if you destroy an enemy unit the first turn.

You score Last Strike if you destroy an enemy unit the last turn.

Each secondary objective is worth 2 battle points.

The number of game turns is fixed at six turns and the game must go at least four turns.

Here is my army list:

+++ Ravenwing (1850) +++

++ Ravenwing Strike Force (1625) ++

+ Fast Attack (930) +

Ravenwing Bike Squad (215)
4x Ravenwing Biker - 2x Grav Gun
Ravenwing Attack Bike - Multi-Melta
Ravenwing Sergeant - Melta Bombs

Ravenwing Bike Squad (215)
4x Ravenwing Biker - 2x Grav Gun
Ravenwing Attack Bike - Multi-Melta
Ravenwing Sergeant - Melta Bombs

Grim Resolve - Hammer of Wrath - Hit & Run - Outflank - Ravenwing - Scout

Ravenwing Black Knights (205)
4x Black Knight
Huntmaster - Melta Bombs

Ravenwing Black Knights (200)
4x Black Knight

+ Elites (215) +

Ravenwing Command Squad (215)
4x Black Knight - Ravenwing Company Banner
Ravenwing Apothecary
Ravenwing Champion

+ HQ (480) +

Sammael (200) - Iron Halo

Warlord Trait:
Rapid Manoeuvre

Corvex (Jetbike) - Plasma Cannon
Raven Sword

Interrogator-Chaplain (170) - Auspex - Power Fist - Rosarius - Crozius Arcanum - Shroud of Heroes - Space Marine Bike

Librarian (110) - Psychic Hood

Force Sword - Space Marine Bike
Psyker Mastery Level 2
Telepathy Lore: Psychic Shriek - Dominate - Shrouded

++ Dark Angels Formation Detachment (225+95) ++ Ravenwing Support Squadron (RWSS)

Grim Resolve - Interceptor - Ravenshield - Strafing Run - Support squadron - Anti-Grav Upwash

Ravenwing Land Speeder - Heavy Bolter - Typhoon Missile Launcher
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Heavy Bolter - Typhoon Missile Launcher
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Heavy Bolter - Typhoon Missile Launcher

Ravenwing Darkshroud (95) - Assault Cannon

Warlord Trait: Rapid Manoeuvre:
Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, can either roll 2 dice when they run, using the highest roll, or can add 3" to any Turbo-boost or charge they make (or Flat Out move, in the case of Master Sammael on his Land Speeder).

Unfortunately I don't have a copy of my opponent's army list so I'll have to go by memory:

Necrons Decurion Detachment (1850)

+ HQ +


Warlord Trait - Adaptive Tactics - Each turn Zanhdrak can choose a Warlord Trait from either the Necron codex or rulebook.

Destroyer Lord - Phase Shifter - Res Orb

+ Troops +

10x Warrior
Ghost Ark

10x Warrior
Ghost Ark

10x Immortals - Gauss Blasters

+ Elites +
10x Deathmark

+ Fast Attack +

4x Destroyer

4x Destroyer

4x Destroyer

10x Tomb Blade - Ignore Cover - 3+ Armor

My opponent wins the roll and chooses his side of the table. He also wins the roll to go first and does so. Here are pictures of the table and our deployments.

I deploy such that my entire army is outside Necron ranged shooting for the first turn. My opponent places his Emperor's Will objective marker back in his corner with the Immortals guarding it. I place mine in my corner as well but a bit more forward to bait the Necrons closer. I opt not to scout move to maintain a safe distance.

Pre Game Analysis
Two mobile armies... Mine is a bit faster overall. Shooting seems fairly even but I've got the support squadron which is very fast and can out range the entire Necron army with the missiles and heavy bolters. My biggest worry is Zanhdrak and the Destroyer Lord attached to the Deathmarks and held in reserve. The Tomb Blades could be a problem too since they have the wargear that ignores cover so I need to focus down on these two units first.

Every battle point is important as they all can be hard to achieve.

Opening Story Line
Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing, has been informed this time by the Inner Circle that a Necron detachment is nearby ravaging the local inhabitants and laying waste to the manofactorium. There are no Fallen reported amongst them but the xenos must be purged with cleansing vigor. The Librarian Xclops pulls forth his force sword anointing it with a special fluid to sharpen the monomolecular edge. Interrogator Chaplain Lionus grips his massive power fist in anticipation. "We will come to grips with them soon enough." says Sammael. "Lets be quick so we can re continue the search for the Fallen!"