Hey guys quick post with some pics from a wee gaming (DICE WOOOOO!) day Mike and I had on Sunday. We played Age of Sigmar with the Stormcasts shooting off some dorfs (Yay irony!) and winning 18-2 or 19-1 (we didn’t track closely). Turns out judicators in 5s with the prime firing his shock bolt bow (hitting on 2s!) to do some tasty damage. As standard my dice were awesome and mike’s were lack lustre. The judicators were awful in combat though so I think their current 1.5 cost is relatively justified but they were still pretty awesome with bows. The 24” range was tasty and the damage output is quite decent. The protectors were also ace! For those interested my list was (using 1.2 clash comp):

Lord Celestant on Dracoth (2.5)
Lord Castellant (1.5)
Lord Celestant on foot (1)
Lord Relictor (1)

5x Judicators, Prime with Shockbolt bow(1.5)
5x Judicators, Prime with Shockbolt bow(1.5)
5x Judicators, Prime with Shockbolt bow(1.5)
5x Judicators, Prime with Shockbolt bow(1.5)

10x Retributors (4)
5x Protectors (1x Starsoul Mace) (2)
3x Prosecutors (1)
3x Prosecutors (1)

Total (20)

We also tried our very first game of guildball using the quick start rules. These neither resulted in anything quick or startable lol. We basically ended up fudging it a bit and playing with our pretty toys lol. Was good to get them on the table after spending so long painting them but we need to read up a lot more and maybe get taught how to play by someone who knows what they are doing!

To be fair I’m being a bit disparaging and we did start to see what was going on and I can see how the game can be all about synergy. We got things going and I think I will really enjoy the game. My gaming mat arrived and I have 2x Union players to build (thanks to Chris Tomlin!) so keen to play more games and learn it!