Hey guys! So last night I was mucking about with some 40k and AoS list (love me a good listing!) and got to thinking about the possibility of having a cross over 40k and AOS army. With both systems now using round bases this has become a much more tangible possibility. Daemons of Chaos are the obvious cross over army but personally I’m not a huge fan of full armies of Daemons (or a large part of the model range) especially mixing marks (old skool there I’m afraid, they should be separate in my opinion!) so I thought I would give it a stab with the new hotness: Khorne Bloodbound.

Khorne is an interesting beasts, I’m a big fan of the new range (prefer them to the Stormcasts truth be told) and GW seems to be getting majorly behind Khorne with model and warscroll support. The newest characters are also really cool too, the Slaughter Priest in particular is an incredible model! Khorne is also one of the most recently updated 40k Chaos Space Marine (CSM) lists with the Khorne Daemonkin list. Khorne Daemonkin has been hailed as one of the most competitive (and fun to play!) CSM army lists where you can take a tasty mix of marines and daemons. It has an interesting mechanic whereby for each unit killed (by either side! Khorne cares not from where the blood flows!!) grants a blood tithe point which can be spent to give army wide benefits (feel no pain, rage etc) or summon new units (Bloodletters to Bloodthirsters!).

So with 40k having the more rigid points system I set to writing a list (Bold letters indicate the models used, typically AoS models):

Slaughtercult Formation
Mighty Lord Of Khorne (Chaos Lord): Kor'lath, the Axe of Ruin; The Blood-forged Armour; lightning claw; melta bombs 205
Blood Warriors (9 Berzerkers): + 1 Berzerker Champion (power fist) 225
Blood Warriors (9 Berzerkers): + 1 Berzerker Champion (power fist) 225
Wrathmongers (4 Possessed): + 1 Possessed Champion 150
Blood Reavers (10 Chaos Cultists): flamer; + 1 Cultist Champion 81
Blood Reavers (10 Chaos Cultists): flamer; + 1 Cultist Champion 81

Brazen Onslaught Formation
Skullreaper Models (4 Chaos Terminators): 2× power axes; chainfist; 2× combi-melta; pair of lightning claws; reaper autocannon; + 1 Terminator Champion (power axe) 223
Skullcrusher Models (3 Bloodcrushers) 135
Skullcrusher Models (3 Bloodcrushers) 135

Gorepack Formation
5 Flesh Hounds 80
• Chaos Knights (4 Chaos Bikers): flamer; meltagun; + 1 Chaos Biker Champion (power axe; melta bombs) 155
Chaos Knights (4 Chaos Bikers): flamer; meltagun; + 1 Chaos Biker Champion (power axe; melta bombs) 155

1,850 points

Summonable models:

Kruul (Bloodthirster)
4 x10 Bloodletters

So obviously this will require conversions! The bikers/knights would get combi bolters on their shield arms. The terminators/skull reapers would get extensive conversions using both kits to get the guns and awesomeness from the skullreapers. The Blood warriors are pretty straight forward being that they are essentially much nicer models than the current 40k Khorne berserkers so would probably just get bolt pistols added somehow. The cultists are pretty straight forward too, some guns on the blood reaver models, done! I actually think this could look really awesome and be a lot of fun to play in both systems. Maybe some are a bit of a stretch but hey can easily not cross over it all!

Here is roughly what the army would equate to in AoS Clash comp pools:

Mighty Lord Of Khorne (1.5)
Bloodthirster Of Unfettered Fury (4.5)

Blood Warriors x 15 (3)
Blood Warriors x 15 (3)

Bloodreavers x 10 (1)
Bloodreavers x 10 (1)

Wrathmongers x 5 (1.5)

Chaos Knights x 10 (4)
- Ensorcelled Weapons

Skullreapers x 5 (1.5)
- Goreslick Blades
- Spinecleaver : 0
- Soultearer : 0

Skullcrushers Of Khorne x 6 (4)
- Axes

Bloodletters Of Khorne x 20 (2)
Bloodletters Of Khorne x 20 (2)

Flesh Hounds Of Khorne x 5 (1)

TOTAL: 30 / 20

Let me know what you guys think!