Sorry for the lack of posts the last two months! Smells Like Wargaming is still chugging away, some computer issues and ease of use caused the blog here to slip to the bottom of the pile! I've got a backlog of stuff to show off, but this time, we've got the big kahuna himself!
Taking three weeks from cleaning to completion, this model was easily the biggest and my favorite model I've ever completed! I'll let the photos speak for me though!
What a beast! I'd love to work on another one, or even a Warhound or Reaver! If you're looking to get your titan painted, or army, for that matter, drop me an email at SmellsLikeWargaming at Hotmail dot com, and we'll get you sorted!
I'll be catching up on posts this weekend, but I'll be on a short vacation towards the end of the week for a much needed rest! Next up is White Scars, Mechanicum, and some big big tanks!