From the Journal of Raine the Pixie



We take a rest and eat a meal of dragon meat.  As we awaken in the evening we hear the sound of the giant chicken, so we go out to find the skeleton and a wizard behind him.

The wizard says that he is looking for his friends.  He says his friends made the best Blue Dragon Ale ever.  His name is Mal, and he decides to investigate the mines with us to see if he can find his friends and the Black Spider.

We discover a goblin after venturing down the tunnel and intimidate him into telling us where we can find the Black Spider.  We tell him to leave the mine, but he runs in the direction we are headed.

After venturing into another room, we find a wizard who seems to Charm McElfatrick.  He tells McElfatrick to leave, and we chase him as he starts to do so.  I slap him and ask what he's doing.

The party heads back to fight the wizard, who Blinks out and the goblin takes off running.  We chase him down and kill him.


Just then, a bunch of undead come around the corner, followed by the wizard.  We battle the wizard and win.  We take the scrolls and a few other items we find.

We continue on and find a chamber that we enter that is cast into magical Darkness.  We are attacked by spiders and the tiefling is beaten down twice, but we revive him.

After we defeat the spiders, we see a drow wizard hanging on the ceiling that tries to Web us.  We manage to fight and kill the wizard and a doppelganger that showed up.

We find a bunch of treasure in the next room.