Only a few days have passed for our intrepid settlers since the conclusion of The Rough Edge of Night.  In those few days, the entire tone of the area seems to have shifted.  Folks are leaving the Territory...perhaps for no reason but Fear itself.

It has been four years since we played that chronicle, and it's been a "fan-favorite" ever since.  I have been determined that the sequel not let anyone down, and I hope this new set of stories delights and gives the frights to everyone who is going to play.  Sequels are always a challenge, but the Territory is ripe with all sorts of great seeds for chilling tales.

Going forward, the games will focus on a Twilight Zone-like mood and set of themes.  Investigation and innovation, not combat and exploration, will be the focus of the sessions.  While this is somewhat of a different gear than our normal Dungeons & Dragons games (murder-hobos) I hope it will be a welcome change.  The difficulty level of the mysteries have been adjusted as well, as I have somewhat of a reputation for plots too convoluted for tabletop gaming.

I should write a book.

As well as the World of Darkness game this season, we'll be adding in some skirmish action in the form of Dead Man's Hand.  This will expand the tales of the territory during the season, and we're going full on wild west!  In fact, the next TWO seasons will be spent in the Territory...plenty of time for awesome six-gun skirmish action.

So saddle up, vaqueros!  It's time to save the settlements from the dark legacies of the Territory.  Just remember - the days are short in Smokefall Ridge, and the nights seem to drag on forever.