I finished the Big Unpack yesterday... finished is of course a relative statement and there are a few odds and ends that will slowly ease into their new spots.... but the main work of unpacking is done!

That means today I got to spend some time working IN the studio instead of ON the studio.  I decided to pick up where I'd left off on Carnevale and start prepping some Raging Heroes.  I also found the Foldio II which lead to more goofing off with pictures than painting miniatures.

Anyway I did manage to finish up a couple of French Vatican Guard and a Deacon.  I really love that after the catastrophic opening of the Rift in the Sky,  and the ensuing destruction of Rome, the Vatican moved to Avignon, France... seat of the Anti-Popes, or the Black Popes of the Schism... way back when...
 I decided to do the Guard in a French Impressionist style which turned out to be a lot of fun to paint.  They look good from tabletop range and really interesting when picked up for a closer look.

The expressions and poses of the miniatures are very good as you can see... here the Deacon is  admonishing the Guard for their sloppy appearance...
And a little closer look reveals... just how little the Guards think of the Deacon's tongue lashing.

I've also made the uniforms recognizably French rather than a special pattern for the Vatican Guard.  The Guard are meant to be a symbol of the ascendance of the French State as they are a protective force for the Church.  No mistaking who these guys really work for!

This week I have more Carnevale, some Raging Heroes, and some Tabletop World in the queue.

See ya soon!