Here's my latest model, my Eighth Company Captain. I spent a long time trying to decide where to use this model, as it's a great sculpt but his power fist doesn't fit well in my Blood Angels and the Executioners use Headman's Axes in place of power fists. I finally decided that he would be an Executioner, and justified his power fist in his background. I replaced his bolt pistol with a storm shield and he was ready for painting.

He has a pretty standard Executioners paint scheme, with a gold helmet and shoulder pad trim marking him out as a Captain. Before anyone tells me, I know IIX is not the correct roman numeral for 8. It just looked so much better than VIII and fit better onto his knee pad that I went with it.

His shield is emblazoned with a black fist, both in reference to the Executioners' heritage as Sons of Dorn and to his nickname within the Chapter, the Fist of Rann. It took a few attempts to get it both centered and reasonably symmetrical (for some reason, the pinky was the hardest to get right), but I think it looks passable.

Finally, what type of Eighth Company Captain would he be without a jump pack? I magnetized his back pack so that he could switch it out for a MK4 jump pack from my Sanguinary Guard. As a Captain, he should have access to the best gear, plus its narrower profile fits better between his raised fist and shield.

What do you think of him?