I found these on eBay when I was looking around for potential miniatures for my warband from Estalia, I was thinking of using the Marienburger warband rules for them.
Werewoolf miniatures are a polish company that has a store on eBay, they have more variants of the Lusitinians then ones I bought and more. I really like Werewoolfs miniatures  ogre miniatures, I didn't wanna buy them first time around, I wanted to check out the quality of the cast before I bought more from them.

So on to the miniatures I bought, I went with marksmen without heads and five in the box, they have sets with heads and five or ten miniatures on eBay. I already got heads in my bits box so I had no need for heads. The miniatures are in 28mm heroic scale and they will fit well in with other miniatures in that category.

You will get three standing, two kneeling miniatures in the box and they are made out of resin. The cast is good, no issues  at all, I found no air bubbles and the mold line is minimal on them.
The level of detail is really nice, I especially like that the clothes have worn look to them, even the breastplates have a that look to them, it's perfect for my Mordheim warband.