The Space Wolves Blog is undergoing some awesome changes!
Adam Smith: First of all, I will be stepping down as Great Wolf. In my place, a new Wolf Lord (also called Adam) shall lead the Vlka Fenryka to glory.
Real life hasn't treated me well of late. As a result, I haven't been able to give the Space Wolves community what I feel it truly deserves. And I feel really bad about that.
So, I devised a cunning plan to recruit a new team of Wolf Lords to write for the blog and bring you all the tactics, battle reports and interesting article you wouldn't find anywhere else!
Then, I found a one among them who was worthy to take the helm and in the process, bring you guys the regular service that makes this blog one of the best Warhammer 40K blogs on the web.
Now, this is THE GUY you want running a website like this. He's got a massive Space Wolves army, all beautifully painted, a gaming den to die for and has been running a regular podcast. In fact, I'm rather envious!
Meanwhile, I will be taking a break from wargaming as I get my life in order. I will however, be providing technical web support to "Great Wolf" Adam and the team of Wolf Lords going forward.
I am truly confident in the new team and glad that my greatest work is in safe hands. And I'll probably write some stuff on occassion too.
Many years ago, I gave my Warhammer Tau blog to the Tau Empire community and it seems to have done well for itself. Skylar is doing a great job and I expect to see impressive things from these guys when the new Tau Codex drops fairly soon.
So if you're worried about the quality of service from the Space Wolves blog going forward, trust me, you really don't need to worry. I spent ages building a dedicated team of contributors to keep this website and its community alive and well and thriving!
By the way, if you're in London and enjoy good barbeque food as much as I do, check out this bbq restaurants website I've just started working on. While I'm taking a break from wargames, I figured I'd use the time to teach myself WordPress, various geo-targeting plugins and other kinds of cool coding.
After all, the Space Wolves blog did start as an SEO (search engine optimisation) experiment, which broke out of containment and became the monster you see today! So who knows where this next project may take me?
Anyway, that's all from me.
All hail your new Great Wolf Adam!
Adam Russman: Greetings to all!
I have a long history with the hobby, and look forward to bringing my experience and passion for the Space Wolves to this blog and its followers. I’d like to thank those who came before me, for laying the foundations, as well as the many authors, commentators, and fans, who have done so much for this blog; their contributions have been, and will continue to be, a valuable part of the Space Wolves blog. I look forward to collaborating with them in the future.
Now, in reference to my own saga: I first became a Wolf during the Rogue Trader days; the Space Wolves were my first army, and will always be the core of the 40k hobby for me. In fact, I still own many of my original lead models, including a squad of lead-cast Long Fangs! I have played every version/edition of the game, and I have to say 7th Edition has been my favorite so far; while the balance of power has been in constant flux, I find myself enjoying the game, and my time with my comrades in arms, more than any other time in my gaming career!
My current Space Wolf army includes 4 nearly complete Great Companies—Those of Logan Grimnar, Harald Deathwolf, Ragnar Blackmane, and a general “Wolves Unleashed” force. One of my favorite aspects of the Space Wolves is the unique, and highly versatile, way that the army can be played; whether you want to focus on a fast, dynamic, flyer-based force; a beast and cavalry build; a “shooty” army; or a close combat army, the Space Wolves are can make it happen. Additionally, there is no better army than the Space Wolves, for a player looking to create their own, unique hero character; everyone has a saga to forge!
My vision for the future of this blog centers around content focused on the different aspects of the 40k hobby, specifically related to the Space Wolves. I’m envisioning everything from battle reports and list building to modeling and painting tutorials. My team and I are also eager to see what transpires with the much anticipated Horus Hersey game, as well as the pending 30K Space Wolves release from Forge World, especially the Forge World Leman Russ model, which is sure to be epic!
We’re also planning to offer some general 40K news, and updates on things that will impact the hobby, as well as ways to prepare the Sons of Russ for battle with new and old foes! Remember, it is always best to know thine enemy!
In due course, we will also introduce members of the new team.
For Russ and the Allfather!
Adam Russman