I have neglected this blog the past few months.  NOVA is over and was very successful.  Todd and I are almost ready to debut everything we have been working on for our new adventure.  I have also been pretty good with getting some games in.  I will let this be mostly a pictorial view.

My board was well received and Gutier even talked with me a bit about it and the amount of detail in it.

It was very well received:

Infinity at NOVA was also a big deal.  They beat last year's numbers and plenty of the top 10 ranked ITS where there.  I managed to bring home a few nifty pieces of hardware.  Had some great games and really loved the events.  Hunger Games was great.

Black Maria Designs

Todd and I are almost there with getting everything off the ground.  In fact, this happened today:

More later but really can't wait.