I finally managed to finish my Araloth fig for the #paintingchallenge.
(A day late of course ;) ) I decided that I couldn't chop up the wood elf figure, as it was such a nice sculpt, but didn't feel like painting him up on just a normal base.
All this faffing about left me well behind schedule when it came to the deadline. I decided to make Araloth face off against a Spider Goblin adversary who was "attempting" to be a Gobbo version of Araloth. The Spear and Shield were easy swaps.
The flung Spider was a simple conversion that consisted of simply swapping the gobbo mage's arm to the opposite direction and adding a Spider with webbing to imitate the Bird with cloth straps. The last touch was courtesy of @iosefward ;) A brilliant idea of a dead spider on his head to mimic Araloth's Antlers. In order to make the Spider and the bird appear to be in a duel, the gobbo had to be much higher, hence the hill.
Finally I decided the gobbo would be far too cowardly to fight Araloth fair, so he is fighting from above his mounts' cave ;) Who likes a fair fight anyway?
#voteforpaulwagner #notsteve
Araloth and the Gobraloth
by Pjschard | Oct 7, 2015