You may be here to see the INCREDIBLY handsome CL4PTRP but I'm here to help spread the word about DREADTOBER!

Its this very cool event where Bloggers around the verse build a Dreadnought in October!  

Sounds like a lot of fun and we get to see a lot of folks building and modding, and distressing big model war-machines.

 So if you are a Dread Head then head on over to Greggles Tabletop at Feed Your Nerd
and get in on ....


 While not really a Dreadnought class model... these little dreadfuls are clearing the path!  I'll be working on some kind of Dread class thing starting next week.

 Looka me I'm dancin' I'm dancin'!

These guys came from Armorcast and are pretty rough casts.  Fortunately the Claptrap is a pretty rough character anyway!  They capture the essence of the manic little bot that everyone loves to hate.

  Here are the little guys alongside some Reaper minis that I'm using as Solar Marines in a Sci Fi adventure setting.

And harassing Punky!  Better watch that robot! The Jailbirds won't put up with your shenanigans!

Actually I think I'll work these little bots into my Jailbird Army list... They have a junkyard scavenger tech thing going so it should fit right in.
... and some green-stuff work on the base for Kirai Avatar of Vengeance.  This is a 1e mini and metal... given the nature of the kit the hard plastic version is probably a huge improvement!

Kirai will be sprawled across the carpet as the Avatar of Vengeance rises out of her.

Spooky stuff!

Ok...  off to find a Dreadnought to build!