Hey guys! So it's month 4 of the PaintingChallenge and I have decided to try something very different:

This month I would like everyone to paint or make a piece of scenery, for any gaming system. My thinking here is that there are a lot of people (myself included!) which are trying new games and the common theme to all games is terrain and scenery. You could buy a premade bit of manufacturers terrain and paint it up beautifully, scratch built your own fantastic piece or combine both. I want this to be as inclusive as possible and encourage people to get some hobbying done, making scenery from house hold waste, actual rocks etc (think Blue Peter…) is really easy and obviously cheap.

The parameters for this will be a piece at maximum a 12”x12”x12” cube and must include NO models. This is not a diorama competition (this time…) and I want it focussed on some cool ass terrain. Using a damaged model (eg a tank) in the terrain is ok but please try to limit this and be sensible. The objective here is to get people motivated to do hobby regardless of gaming system, I don’t know about you guys but I’m sick of the division and negativity permeating the “scene” (Can’t we all just be friends and #RichLove not #RichHate??!?!?) . To get your creative juices flowing here are some ideas:
  • An Age of Sigmar warp gate on a blasted cliff with an objective marker holder
  • An Infinity bunker with flickering LED lights…
  • A destroyed 40k tank submerged in a boggy pit, on fire…
  • An asteroid field with a deep space station for battle fleet gothic.
  • An ancient celtic stone circle for Darklands.
  • A guildball goal built into a butcher's abattoir 
If we get enough entrants then I will split the pieces into categories dependant on system with an overall winner but in principle I want to award the “best overall” terrain. If you feel particularly adventurous and want to do a step by step guide on how you made the terrain then I will add you up as a blog contributor and you can do an article on it! The more bloggers the better!

Commencement date is the 16th of October but if you have started recently we can be flexible about it and the submission deadline is the 9th of November 2359 GMT. Aim would be for me to do a blog post at the end of the month with all the entrants pieces shown and let the comments/votes/#RichHate begin!

Feel free to go nuts and be creative with your work but please keep within the parameters above and don’t make a diorama. Each entrant gains one vote (vote by saying your choice as a comment in the wrap up post) and innocent bystanders can vote too as long as they state their twitter or forum handle.

Please submit pictures of your Scenery via DM to me on twitter by the above stated date and time.

Let me know if you are interested in joining or have any suggestions, please sign up below (as a comment) if you want to get involved. Please tweet with the hashtag #PaintingChallenge Hope you guys like the idea!