I see you are unrepentant!

It matters not!

Xenos loving scum have turned from the Emperor's light and so shall be cast into the flames!

Dreadtober roars on!
 This model is heavy... whew... and not many good places to grab it in terms of pushing it around the tabletop... not to mention those torches are gonna take some hits!

I suspect it will be one of those models perennially in need of repair... but it does look kinda cool in a stomp, stomp, BURN!  kind of way.

I'll be curious to see how the Raging Heroes War Throne looks with it.

The servitors were done with Reaper Vampiric Flesh triad and the Priest Himself with Vallejo Sunny Flesh and a P3 Flesh Wash... the P3 flesh wash is actually kind of purple and, sitting on the Sunny Flesh, makes the priest almost ruddy.  I wanted to emphasize that he is alive while the servitors are, more or less, undead!
 Anyway... my Sisters of Battle are nominally an Order of the Ebon Chalice or spin off... so have more red and white than black in their scheme... that's all speculative though as non of the actual Sisters are painted up!  To date I have this Throne of Judgement and a Monastery Keep that I've been working on from time to time for several years.

With the first Dreadtober project wrapped up I'll move on the the Iron Empire Mecha... it'll be in keeping with Dreadtober and is even spookier than the Throne of Judgement!