So I managed to tweak my list even more since I last played with Marshall (vs Orks). This time I decided to drop Mephiston because I just don't think he earns his points back.
My list now comprises the following:
Sanguinary Priest: Bike, Combo-grav, Auspex
Sanguinary Priest: Jump Pack, Bolter
Sanguinary Guard x5 - 4 Encarmine Swords, 1 PowerFist
Tactical Squad x10 - Meltagun, ComboMelta, Heavy Flamer in a Drop Pod
Tactical Squad x10 - Gravgun, ComboGrav, Heavy Flamer in a Drop Pod
Tactical Squad x5 - Lascannon in a Razorback with TL Assault Cannon
Assault Squad x5 - 2 Meltaguns, Combo Melta
Space Marine Bikers x3 - 2 Gravguns
Stormraven - TL Assault Cannons, TL Meltaguns
Managed to have them all WYSIWYG but not fully painted yet |
Tactical Escalation mainly because we didn't seem to remember the secondary mission
I won the deployment and chose my side.
I also won and went first
I advanced my Bikes very aggressively to take shots at the Wraithknight but this didn't really pay itself back |
Managed to do quite a lot of damage at the start and popped open the Wave Serpent with the Wraithguard scoring 1st Blood |
In return I lost my Bikes due to the hyper aggressive deployment |
Charge my Sanguinary Guard in only to lose them |
I just was not able to kill this thing |
Blood Angel Turn 3 |
Lost the SR for the trouble |
I was basically losing more units faster |
Leaving me with only a Drop Pod and a singular Marine |
Just a few more models to paint and I will have them tourney ready! |
Now to paint them all up and ready for the next game!