Moving onwards with the restoration of my Eldar army, here is a pair of War Walkers.

Like most of the rest of this army, these models were assembled the best part of a decade ago and it shows.
As well as the poor initial assembly, the rather spindly models suffered a reasonable amount of damage in storage, and have had to be pinned back together in several places. 

You may also have noted the lack of cockpit canopies. These were removed for repainting, then promptly lost, never to be seen again.

Although the models are equipped with a Scatterlaser and missile launcher each, my preferred in-game load out is dual Scatterlasers, which allow the relatively cheap squadron to put out 8 S6 shots a turn, which can be devastating to light armour.

With the improvements to Shuriken weaponry in the new codex, had considered switching them to mount dual Shuriken Cannons, but the extra 12" range and two shots per walker are still (to my mind) worth the extra points for a unit that more often than not ends up sat in my backfield shooting up transports.

The next Eldar unit on my painting table is a Falcon grav tank, but before then I'll be introducing the start of yet another project.