Hey guys another quick update with the Speed Painted Necrons, I spent 2 hours last night putting the finishing touches on the bases (dry brushing and matte black painting the rims of the bases). I also took a few pictures of the models in the (unconventional!) round base movement trays I picked up off ebay. Personally I think it looks quite good and will certainly make moving my 80+ necrons around the board a lot easier! Definitely leaves me susceptible to blast/template weapons but having discussed this with Joe we reckoned it would be much simpler and less gamey just to say blast does D6 hits, large blast does 2D6 hits etc etc similar to the old cities of death special rules. This probably benefits him more than me with his green tide of Orks (Orcs) but it will definitely make games much more enjoyable and quicker lol! What do you guys think?