Posts aren't posted as usual.
The best I can do is to blog every two weeks.

A few weeks ago, I had to move away from my children and their mother.

This is why I don't own a PC anymore.
And it's a bit difficult to keep the same pace.

I'll be back on tracks asap but for now, it's the best I can do.

Back to work.
First of all : I have to suppress all the mold lines.

Modeling knife isn't the best solution when you have to work on such an old lady.
You have to work her body parts with sand paper.
I'm using 240, 500 and 800.

The 240 is a strong one, which I rarely use.
The 500 is my best tool. It's fine enough to be the main tool.
The 800 is the final paper, the one I use to have a smooth surface.

I created some tools to work with the sand paper and keep the surfaces as "in their original shape" as possible.

I'm using small width wood parts, cutted in different shapes.
The paper's glued on the wood with some double faced tape.
Et voilĂ , you have a cheap -but efficient- set of tools.

Note : you must wear a mask while working with sandpaper.