Sometimes things are a bit quiet, but at other times you have three friends who all have quite different Kickstarters running at the same time! Here are my three friends and there various  projects : )

First up is John, from Ninja Division, with their Kickstarter for Super Dungeon Explore: Legends. John and the team have a very solid track record with SDE, and the fact that they funded in 15 minutes bears that out. If you like chibi-style models that love to go dungeon crawling, then this is the KS for you. Click HERE to check it out!

Next up is my buddy Jeff of Dragon Forge Design. Over the years I've used hundreds, if not thousands of Jeff's resin bases and they have always been of superior quality. He is currently running a quick-fire campaign to help expand his Goth-Tech range, very cool for any steampunk themed minis you might happen to be painting : ) Jeff's closing in on 50% funding, and it won't take too much to get him all the way. Check it out HERE.

And finally, there's my friend Bryan. Bryan is a gaming industry veteran, fellow freelancer, and a massive gaming, movie, and comic geek. I sat in on a Q&A at GenCon earlier this year and Bryan was on the panel. His answers to questions about, in this case, whether or not your game was "ready" were always well reasoned and humorous. He has launched a longer campaign to try and fund a printed version of so many industry panels. By supporting Bryan, you get to ask him questions (the number of which very by you pledge level) on any topic, but I'd suggest keeping them focused on the gaming biz - any facet of it really, board games, minis, RPGs, etc. You can check out his campaign HERE. (Also, my neighbor is working on the cover for Bryan's book!)

All the best to my friends working hard to bring new content to the world we love : )
