Stormcast Liberators

Following on from Friday’s post, here are my Stormcast liberators ready to bring Sigmar’s justice to the Mortal Realms. The models were fun to paint. I used Games Workshop’s video guide which is a very quick and effective way to paint up Stormcast models, particularly when combined with Retributor Armour spray paint.

Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators Stormcast Liberators

Here is a photo of all of the completed Stormcast models so far. Most of the army from the starter set is complete now, I just need to finish the Prosecutors and the two characters.

Stomcast Eternals