These sessions were originally recorded 10/18 and 10/25/15.

From the Journal of Josephine Maxwell
October 19th, 1874

We went to greet the men herding the animals, and they were friendly.

We continued to the area that Barton wanted to go to.  The area was a pit in the ground.  That pit was covered in blood.  there was a stone in the center of the pit that had a burn mark near a split in the center.  The stone is covered in blood and there is a boot.

There was a cowskin stretched on rack that has some sort of writing near the altar.

There was a trail of blood that looked as if someone had crawled away out of the pit.  After a brief argument in the pit about the plan of action to take, we come to an agreement that we should follow the trail of blood.  Upon leaving the pit I heard something that sounded like three voices speaking in unison.

"Come back if you ever need anything."

At the end of the trail was a man in a crumbled heap.  Barton reached down and grabbed the man and the man said "I have failed, Praxiteles..." - and after that Barton shot the man in the face.

The man's body then stood back up - after being shot - and said in the same voice that spoke in the pit.  This time it said "Behold my Testament!"

Then, the Doc shot it again.  Barton wanted us to burn the body.  We did and we sat to watch it burn.

October 20th, 1875

10/25, 7:35pm
The next morning we had a funeral for the pioneer couple.

A man came into the town that the people seem to know.  They greeted him warmly.  He seemed somewhat disturbed at the state of the settlement.

Jakey Wells informed us that he wanted to let us know about the events the night before.  He told us that the Doc had followed Barton to his house the night before.  He watched the Doc and Barton talk to a demon that Barton had summoned from a skull in a bag.  Mr Wells tells us that he witnessed the Doc sell a "year of his life" to the demon in return for information about the shrine that we found,.

The group decided to go out to Bartons'.  After no answer at the door we notice a note from the Doc saying he is at the Sweat Lodge.  When we get there the Doc tells us that we sold a year of his life to teh demon so that he could get the name "Locar the Avenger" - a spirit he claims can save the town from a three-headed eagle demon.

After that we noticed smoke coming from the other side of town.  We dashed to the source of the smoke and found a man's body burning on a pyre.  I took a picture of it.  Just after I took a picture of the burning body the fire flared up and burned blue.  The body was burned away in a matter of moments.

We investigated the fire and determined that the person who set the fire probably escaped into the woods.  We headed back to the Yellow Rose to discuss what the next move would be.

Barton told us that the totem was attracting things (even him) to the town.  We decided to build something from the materials of an old house to surround the totem.

In the evening we went back to the houses.  Late in the night we all wake to the sound of multiple voices screaming.  The deputies went to check the town.

We awoke the next day and the deputies went out to build the structure.  I went about the town to take pictures and interview townsfolk.  Once developed, one of the photos was very peculiar.  There was a woman in the window of an empty house.

We went to the house to investigate and found a picture of the girl in the house in a locket.  The Doc asked the innkeeper Sarah about the woman.  She said her name was Anna Sharp, and she died of fever.

That night I stayed at the Yellow Rose.  I heard footsteps under my door in the middle of the night.  I screamed, and the owners of the inn ran to see what the matter was.

After finding no one there, I went to go talk to the Doctor.  There was a real feeling of unease in the town.