Privateer Press released news of their new Convergence of Cyriss faction for Warmachine a few days ago on Temple Con. As a non-WarmaHordes-player, I am picking up some mixed vibes on these from twitter, forums, my blog and elsewhere on the web.

Admittedly, I think introducing a new faction for Warmachine is a tall order. The very cornerstone of its design – Warjacks in every faction – makes it tricky to step outside a certain boundary, risking a certain sameness to all factions, simply due how this basic template they all adhere to.

So here is a simple one!

Scroll through the screens below and let the Privateer Press’ new “Art-Deco” / “Metropolis” design sink in a bit. After that, give me your opinion on the poll below!

#1 – The New Miniatures

Privateer Press Convergence of Cyriss Infantry

Convergence of Cyriss Infantry

Privateer Press New Convergence of Cyriss 'Vector' Warjacks

Convergence of Cyriss ‘Vector’ Warjacks

Privateer Press New Convergence of Cyriss Head Honcho

Convergence of Cyriss – Leader of the Fritz Lang army

Privateer Press new Convergence of Cyriss Army

Convergence of Cyriss army

#2 – The Poll: Vote here!

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.
Thanks for voting!
