This was simply amazing and pictures wont do it justice...

Astonishingly, my son turned four this past week. It's crazy, I feel like I need one of these:

Yup, same museum and timely for Back to the Future day!
Gabe is really into legos and trains so naturally this was the perfect birthday destination. I highly recommend if you are ever in the downtown Frederick area that you check out the Roads and Rails Museum. It took 5 guys 5 years to create this labor of love, and it shows. I'll let the pictures tell the story.

A little DC love for the locals:

The Drunken Clam from Family Guy
Graceland! Fun fact: my wife and I were married at the Graceland Chapel in Vegas :)
The local brewery represented:

Some Office love:

Dunder Mifflin
Schrute Farms
The Lego room!

Lego Warhammer!

So awesome, you should seriously come check this out if you get the chance!