Nice and crisp pictures showing the plastic sprues for the Cataphracti Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnought for the upcoming Horus Heresy game from Games Workshop.

It's supposedly a standalone board game type, like Space Hulk, Execution Force etc. But I think GW will use these minis for more than that in the future. Anyway it's really nice with HH models in plastic.

I wasn't to thrilled by all the the 30k rumors to be frank, but when more and more pics is coming and the fact it's a stand alone game, makes me more interested.

Found the pics at Bell of lost Souls, but original source is Spikey Bits.

Update: More pictures via Spikey Bits!

Via Spikey Bits’ Anonymous Source 10-29-2015
“Please note these pictures were sent to US via an anonymous source. We are not watermarking them, and they are free to use by anyone via Fair Use from a news media outlet. At Spikey Bits we never hold the hobby hostage with images, please do not either.”