Hey guys! So I'm super excited to announce the painthammer  #HobbyHeresy Painting challenge! As you will know GW have announced their Horus heresy boxed set with some amazing contents

I thought this would be an awesome opportunity for another Lightning Round painting challenge where entrants have a week to paint a model to the best of their ability and vote for their favourite :) You may paint any single infantry Horus Heresy model on a 32mm base, this may be a basic line trooper or a character to lead your new force.

The goal is to challenge yourself to paint something out of your comfort zone, try a new technique or just try a new paint! Official start date is the 14th of November and the submission deadline is the 21st of November (2359 GMT). Aim would be for me to do a blog post at the end of the month with all the entrants models shown and let the comments/votes/#RichHate begin!

Rough plan would be as follows:

  • Paint one Heresy Power Armoured (Artificer is ok) Marine on a 32mm base starting 14th November with Submission by 21st November  (2359 GMT). This should either be an existing forge world model or a model from the new plastic kit.
  • 32mm round bases only and please paint your marine true to the fluff in one of the 18 legion (eg 1st founding) colour schemes (I'm doing Imperial fists!) but variants of which are cool. For example Imperial Fist veteran colour schemes are cool but Crimson Fists (2nd Founding post Heresy) is not cool. Also historic versions of legions which changed colours (eg Luna Wolves to Sons of Horus) are also cool.
  • Minor conversions (head swaps and small modifications eg chaosy) are allowed but please keep relatively toned down (no Paul there is not a Goblin Spider King Legion....)
  • Each entrant gains one vote (vote by saying your choice as a comment in the wrap up post) and innocent bystanders can vote too as long as they state their twitter or forum handle
  • Please submit pictures of your model via DM on twitter to me (@paint_hammer)by the above stated date and time.
  • I will create a Voting blog post on the 22nd with pictures as names of the entrants :) 

Let me know if you are interested in joining or have any suggestions, please sign up below (as a comment) if you want to get involved. Please tweet with the hashtag #PaintingChallenge #HobbyHeresy Hope you guys like the idea!