In the last few months, life has been pretty busy (our second baby arrived a few weeks ago) so I've had little time for wargaming. However, I am going to take tart in Blog Wars 10 next weekend, so without further ado, here is my list! 

CODEX: Astra Militarum

Tank Commander [30] + Pask [40] = 70
• Leman Russ Punisher [140] + lascannon + sponson multi-meltas [20] = 170
• Leman Russ Punisher + lascannon [10] = 150

Tank Commander = 30
• Leman Russ Vanquisher + lascannon [10] = 145
• Leman Russ Battle Tank + lascannon [10] = 160

1 Primaris Psyker = 50

Veteran Squad + Grenadiers [15] + 3× plasma gun [45] = 120
• Chimera = 65

Veteran Squad + Grenadiers [15] + 2 x Plasma Gun [30] = 105
• Chimera= 65

Veteran Squad + Grenadiers [15] = 75

Militarum Tempestus Scions+ 2× meltagun [20] = 90

Militarum Tempestus Scions+ 2× meltagun [20] = 90

1 Hellhound= 125

1 Vendetta Gunship= 170

1 Vendetta Gunship= 170

1,850 points