Hey guys, super quick post just to show off some picture from the weekend gaming at Common Ground Games. A good group of us met up to play some 40k Battle Fleet gothic and Guildball. Personally only managed to get two games in (we were having a good laugh and socialising more than playing lol) and small intro game of Star Wars Armada.

First game I played Ryan’s Eldar (He’s such a D ;) ) using my Necrons in a Maelstrom scenario (tactical objective cards) in hammer and anvil. We had a great time and we really took the piss with all the card shenanigans. If you haven’t tried 7th edition 40k with the random cards it is a great fun system for playing with a good group of mates, super random but still tactical where blowing your opponent off the board isn’t the main or only consideration. The necron swarm list (below) I was using seemed to work really well in this system, covering the board with loads of wounds and tough to kill reanimating Decurion necrons.  I ended up winning the game but ryan had utterly decimated my army killing tonnes!

Reclaimation Legion
Nemesor Zahndrek
10x Lych Guard
2 x 10 Necron Warriors
3 x 10 Necron Immortals (20 with Tesla Carbines)
6x Tomb Blades (Particle Beamers + Nebuloscopes)

Cannoptek Harvest
1x Tomb Spyder, Gloom Prism, Twin Linked Particle Beamer
4x Scarabs
3x Wraiths, Whip Coils

Cannoptek Harvest
1x Tomb Spyder, Gloom Prism, Twin Linked Particle Beamer
4x Scarabs
3x Wraiths, Whip Coils

Next up I played Mike at BFG 1850pts of Space Marines vs Necrons (me). Once again Mike tore me up (I’m terrible at BFG it seems!) and he crushed me utterly, really not sure where necrons get this reputation as filth, even without the 2x/3x victory points for necron ships he had won by a large margin. I had though my sneaky, super-fast refused flank turn 1 would win me the game (I swung my whole fleet left to concentrate on one part of his fleet) but it went horribly wrong! Back to the drawing board!!!

I also got a wee introduction to Star Wars Armada from Steve (owner of Common Ground Games) and it looks a really cool game. I think I might pick it up in the new year from Steve. Quick note guys Common Ground is an awesome venue and if you haven’t been please drop in, great shop, café and gaming area. Also helps that Steve + Team are super accommodating and make a mean coffee!