So this weekend I am going to my first ever 40k tournament at the always awesome Winter War Charity Event (please donate and find out more here: Quite excited to play more 40k as have enjoyed all my games and round one I am grudged vs Calum Todd (we are FINALLY going to play! Wooooooo!) a good friend using his Tyranids. Ill be bringing my necrons (which should be finished tonight or Thursday night!) and really looking forward to play new people and very likely getting crushed lol. Calum, Ryan and I have a gentleman’s competition to see who can win the wooden spoon with us all playing our tournament.

Anyway, here’s my list, let me know what you think! I’m trying to play to the undying legion of endless robotic killing machines mental picture I have built up and try to flood the board with hard to kill but still shooty Necons. This should work well for maelstrom/tactical objectives in the comp pack.

Decurion Detachment:
Reclamation Legion
Nemesor Zahndrek (Warlord)
10 Lych Guard
10 Necron Warriors
10 Necron Warriors
10 Immortals (Gauss Blasters)
10 Immortals (Tesla Carbines)
10 Immortals (Tesla Carbines)
4 Tomb Blades

Canoptek Harvest
1 Canoptek Spyder
3x Canoptek Wraiths, 3x Whip Coils
3x Canoptek Spyders

Canoptek Harvest
1 Canoptek Spyder
3x Canoptek Wraiths, 3x Whip Coils
3x Canoptek Spyders
