Welcome back! In my last article I spoke a bit about how future technology could be implemented to enhance the online casino experience. In particular, I spoke about virtual reality goggles, such as the Oculus Rift, and how they could be used to transport the user into a virtual casino without requiring them to go anywhere. Imagine putting on a pair of glasses and suddenly finding yourself in a realistic-looking casino that’s all to yourself. But while this might sound like a brilliant idea to some of us, others will probably find it a bit inconvenient. After all, even putting aside the fact that you need to dedicate some time specifically to casino games without being able to multitask while doing it, the whole ‘virtual reality’ thing might be a bit too much for those who are more interested in the money aspect of gambling than in the casino experience one. But what if I told you that there is a way to get the best of both worlds?

Holograms – No Longer Sci-Fi Nerds’ Wet Dream

Holograms have been around in science fiction ever since the 19th century, but they didn’t really become a staple of the genre since “Star Wars” (“Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi… You’re my only hope”). And it’s actually quite easy to see how – the idea of a three-dimensional image that could be projected upon any surface sounded really advanced, but not as advanced as something like artificial intelligence or faster-than-light travel. It seems like something that would be feasible within our lifetimes, maybe not exactly in the form that we’ve seen on “Star Trek” or “Total Recall”, but at least one that is close enough. And wouldn’t you know it – that prediction turned out to be true! At E3 2015 (the largest gaming convention in the world), Microsoft thoroughly demonstrated their brand new HoloLens. Basically, this is a pair of glasses (not goggles like the large and heavy Rift, just a pair of relatively ordinary glasses with plastic lenses) that allow you to see holograms right there in the living room. For example, take a look at this guy playing “Minecraft” on his coffee table:

Man playing Minecraft using HoloLensImpressive, isn’t it? The HoloLens have multiple applications (another one I liked was the ability to open a “portal” to the “Minecraft” world on your wall and peek through it in three dimensions, as if it’s really a hole in the wall connecting you to a physical world on the other side. But my favourite feature of all is the HoloLens’ ability to create physical objects that aren’t really there, and to give the user the ability to interact with them by touching them. In the demo presented at E3 (which showed something rather similar to the image above), the presenter was able to move the “Minecraft” world popping out of the table with his fingers, pulling it up in order to reveal the caves underneath the surface. Something like this could revolutionize gaming, and not just videogaming!

Are You Talking About A Holographic Casino?

You bet I am! Imagine a casino created out of holograms right there in your room! Imagine sitting down behind your computer, doing your own thing, maybe writing that report that your boss has been nagging you about for, like, half a week now, perhaps listening to music or watching a movie or something like that… And meanwhile, you look down at your desk, where a Blackjack hand has been dealt to you. You tap your fingers down on the table every time you need a new card, hoping to get that much needed 21. You also have your chips, which you can physically drag around in order to readjust your bet. Sure, it’s not the same without physical feedback (which holograms can’t provide), and there’s bound to be some lag every once in a while, but it’s literally as close as we’re going to get to playing blackjack at home without a friend who’s willing to pay up when we win. Or imagine a slot machine that’s right there in the corner of your house, allowing you to physically pull the level and watch the rolls start going. And once again, keep in mind that we’re only limited by our own imagination – the slots aren’t really there, so they could do plenty of fun stuff that physical slots can not, like a cartoon slot jumping around happily when you win big. Of course, that’s not necessarily limited to your home – I mean, I’m sure that the HoloLens will require wi-fi in order to perform these particular functions, but imagine being outside at a bus stop and having a slot machine right in front of you. Sure, you’re going to look ridiculous constantly reaching out and grabbing nothing, but who cares – it’d be way more engaging than slotting on your phone! The HoloLens, and the other holographic devices that are sure to follow in the next 10 years, could revolutionize online gambling, revitalizing it and making it more accessible than ever before!

The post TOYS OF THE FUTURE PART 2 appeared first on akaranseth.com.