Last night I really got into the groove of painting my firebelly (in fact I ended up staying up til 3am I was enjoying it that much!) and finished him off. It was one of the most fun models I have ever painted with so many different areas and techniques! It was the first model I have ever tried OSL (Object source lighting) on and I learnt a bucket and it was actually really easy!

To paint the flames I started off at a very light yellow mixed with white thinned down with Lahmian Medium (best hobby purchase ever!) and then basically did reverse highlighting keeping the light colours in the recesses and building up through light yellow to dark orange.

Once I had fully painted the model I then went back and painted a very thin glaze of Jakaero Orange Base on any surfaces raised to the flames, eg the flesh, the under sides of the smoke and the gut plate. Once again I used Lahmian medium to thin the paint. I have tried revel's thinner but it just doesn't work as well as the medium.

Let me know your thoughts, I really enjoyed painting this model and can't wait to use him!