Continuing my "clearing the decks" approach to my hobby recently, I have finished off another three Imperial Knights to now take my 30K House Taranis Knights up to five (also known as a "Half-Rudge" of Knights*). Just a quick post today, as I have to run soon, but please post any questions you might have in the comments below : )

Above is my Baron Prime - Forge Master Tacitus Agrippa, riding his Knight Gallant, Olympicus Rex. 

Baron Agrippa's bodyguard is Ser Baledin Lange, riding his Cerastus-Knight Lancer, Shield of the Omnissiah.

This is Ser Maarku Radcliff, riding his Knight Crusader, Torrent of Fire.

I have also made the battle cannon of Torrent swappable for a thermal cannon, incase I feel the need for additional close range devastation ; )

In this shot you can see my 30K-era House Taranis crest. I've described the retro-creation of the crest in an earlier post, but can't seem to find it at the moment. I'll link to it when I can find it.

And here's the Torrent's right shoulder markings. Again, the Taranis icon has been retro-fitted for 30K use. These two 30K decals are both custom jobs from Fallout Hobbies. They arrived on Thursday, and I'm very pleased with them indeed (although Ron is probably cursing me a little). Anyway, head on over to the Fallout Hobbies site and check out everything they have to offer!

Here is Ser Vadik Faustino, riding his Knight Paladin Deus Malleus. This was actually the very first Knight I painted for myself : )

And finally, you can see Ser Tanner Malcom, riding his Knight Errant Ignis Mechanica.

I hope you like them : )


* Paul Rudge was the first person to put together a collection of one of each of the Knight patterns available, caused the Internet to dub such a collection or gathering a "Full Rudge" of Knights.