Hey guys! So I thought I'd do a really quick report on the Winter War 2015 charity tournament. Between ticket sales, donations and the awesome raffle, the guys managed to raise a staggering £3100 all from 100 (ish) generous wargamers! Brilliant work! Apologies for the rubbish pictures, the lighting at DWARF is pretty awful!

So I took part in my first 40k tournament with the necrons and managed a very respectable joint 5th! Super happy with that, especially since I havent played a lot of 40k and my army wasn't particularly filthy (compared to others lol). What my army was good at was not dying and scoring/claiming objectives. I had 3 great games which I managed a 12-8, 10-10 and a 20-0 record.

This has left me super pumped for 40k and expanding/painting a bigger necron collection! Short term aim is to paint the rest of my semi painted necrons and to buy some destroyers, Triarch Praetorians/Stalkers, flayed ones and tomb blades. I also have plans to paint a C'Tan (Mierce miniatures Kruul model: http://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_inf_dis_wld_101_000) that I had picked up a few months back, he is bathed and ready to be assembled!

Anyway here are the results:



Position Name Total Points
1 Dan Oldfield 90
2 James Gilray 85
3 Stuart Callahan 83
4 Tim Dagnall 83
5 Innes Wilson 82
6 John Currie 82
7 Rich Payne 82
8 Findlay Beadie 80
9 Nicky Claise 77
10 Sean Stahly 75
11 Steve Smith 73
12 David MacMillan 73
13 Brett Knight 72
14 Dave Hunter 69
15 Andrew Clarke 69
16 Daniel King 68
17 Charles Mitchell 66
18 David Callahan 65
19 Jamie Farquhar 62
20 Stephen Lyons 61
21 Doug Hough 61
22 Micheal Arnott 61
23 Elliot Watson 60
24 Edd Kyle 56
25 Lewis Arnott 52
26 Graham Hart 51
27 Gordon Forsyth 47
28 Ryan Savage 42
29 Cameron Cochrane 40
30 Callum Todd 39

Bolt Action

Position Name Total Points
1 Chris Stone 95
2 Liam Prior 90
3 Tim Jack 90
4 Paul Walker 90
5 Jason Marsh 85
6 Brian Forrester 80
7 Richie Campbell 80
8 Callum Scobie 75
9 Dan Keenan 75
10 David Jack 75
11 Chris Field 70
12 Jim Bob 70
13 Dave Taylor 65
14 Barry Smith 60
15 Darren Allwright 60
16 Ryan Shiells 55
17 Findlay Forrester 55

Flames of War

Position Name Total Points
1 Greg Fyfe 29
2 Richard Hardy 27
3 Brian Wilson 25
4 Lorne Campbell 24
5 Paul Duckmanton 22
6 Bill Shiell 21
7 Frank Keast 21
8 Terry Brown 20
9 Richard Cunningham 18
10 Callum McIntosh 15

Age of Sigmar

Position Name Tournament Points
1 Donald McCallum 99
2 Leigh Martin 84
3 Adam Martin 80
4 Scott Smith 77
5 Joe Ward 69
6 David Reid 66
7 Chris Maker 64
8 Tam Whyte 62
9 Stephen Thornton 56
10 Tom Wallace 53


Position Name Total Points
1 James Esland 60
2 Will Esland 58
3 Owen Bell 50
4 Steve McCormick 48
5 Neil Peckett 46
6 John Laurie 42
7 Greg Caldwell 38
8 Chris White 32

The five winners of Players Choice for Best Army were:

40k - Charles Mitchell
Bolt Action - Chris Stone
Flames of War - Frank Keast
Age of Sigmar - Joe Ward
Guildball - James Esland