As the info regarding the new Horus Heresy box set got more and more concrete it came as no surprise that most of the Aleatores would buy one (some even two). My goal is to use all the Marines included for my ever-growing Sons of Horus army exclusively. Yet I would like to give the actual game in the box a try aswell. So Flattervieh and me came to an agreement. We would both paint the whole box content as both Sons of Horus and World Eaters thus making it possible for us to play both sides. So you could call our matches “Betrayal at Isstvan III” as my Sons of Horus will go as traitors hunting loyal World Eaters when I use them as Word Bearers and of course vice versa. After the bombing of Isstvan III one could imagine underground fighting in a smaller scale like on Calth, giving us an appropriate background for our alternate scenarios.
I started with the miniature I like the most from the new box set – Kurtha Sedd of the Word Bearers. As no Chaplain of the Sons of Horus gets mentioned during the course of the Horus Heresy Novels (please correct me in the comment section if I am wrong here) I had the idea to come up with an interpretation of the Lodge Master Serghar Targost. Of course he is the Captain of the 7th Company and no Chaplain actually yet this excerpt of “Galaxy in Flames” shows why I picked him nevertheless:

Targost stepped forward and raised his hands. He bore the rank of lodge captain himself, privy to the secrets of the Davinite ways and as much a holy man as a commander. He opened his mouth and unleashed a stream of brutal syllables, guttural and dark, the tongue of Davin wrought into a prayer of victory and blood.
The Sons of Horus answered the prayer, their voices raised in a relentless chant that echoed around the dead spires of the Choral City.
And when the prayers were done, the Sons of Horus marched to war.

I really couldn’t think of a more fitting Character to have the special rule “Zealot” on Isstvan III.

Serghar Targost - Captain of the 7th Company and Lodge-master of the Warrior-lodge.

Serghar Targost – Captain of the 7th Company and Lodge-master of the Warrior-lodge.

Of course I had to add some bits and bobs to make him look like a true son of the Warmaster. The evil looking head is from the SoH legion command set and the shoulder pad is from the Garviel Loken kit.

Of course I had to add some bits and bobs to make him look like a true son of the Warmaster. The evil looking head is from the SoH legion command set and the shoulder pad is from the Garviel Loken kit.

The first plastic Marine among resin Marines.

The first plastic Marine among resin Marines.