So last night I finished my Imperial Fists Praetors for the #HobbyHeresy #PaintingChallenge, well I thought I had finished them but in the cold light of day (it was very late when I finished them lol) I think they need a few touch ups. Overall however I am very happy with the models, I think the yellows and basing has come out great. I have taken a few WiP pics of assembly, basing and painting for you to see.

The basing is actually what I am most happy about as it is a big departure from my usual heather tuft coated monstrosities lol and was nice to do something dark and gritty! I used sand and pva to for the cement/soil then added in plenty of small rocks (3-5mm), a few crunched up staples/paper clips, some bits of plastic from my tool/bitz box and a few mulched wall plugs (red plastic parts). I also used some of the resin gates to make a large concrete chunk on my Terminator Praetor’s base. Plenty of super cheap hobby materials for basing!!! I think it could do with a touch more colour on the base though so I might as some spot Verdigris to contrast with the rust/stone.

I also currently have the fear…… I add some battle damage/wear to my models to make look more gritty thus risking running the blends on the yellows or do I leave as is and maybe the base is enough? Would battle damage actually make it look better or am I adding stages in that aren’t improving the model because I *think* I should? Maybe just some wreathing/dust on the lower legs? Weathering powders or controlled washes of sepia and agrax? Also transfers…. Do I add one to each model? Blank shoulder pad on the artificer armoured praetor for example??? I’m afraid! Really want this army to be perfect and to take my time with the whole thing to get it just right!

Anyway let me know what you think guys. Will do a few touch ups and retake some better pictures on a better background later in the week to enter into the #PaintingChallenge (info here: Linky). The blues, silvers, some black/grey areas and the golds all need a few more highlights I think but wouldn't have been a good idea to tackle at 1am lol......