All work and no play makes Mord a dull boy, and it's been plenty dull of late. On the up side, there was a box o' joy which arrived Friday evening and I finally got my hands on the new Betrayal at Calth box set. Others have and will do more in-depth critiques and content listings, but suffice it to say that I'm overjoyed with the miniatures, and immediately got stuck in with the cornerstone of any self-respecting Heresy army and put together a 20-man Tactical Squad.
The Alpha Legion upgrade kits I'd picked up from FW worked a treat, and in order to keep the majority of the models fairly 'vanilla' (which I think suits the Alpha's modus operandi) only the sergeants really got blinged out. Thus, the Sergeant is easily shown to be wearing artificer armour with the fancy torso and helmet to accompany the Alpha Legion shoulder pads the rest of the battle brothers wear. So far so good, and I have to say that for basic rank-and-file troopers these plastics are absolutely perfect for the job! Definitely planning to pick up another couple boxes after the holidays and get the Thousand Sons going again...
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Stateside readers! For the rest, I hope you will have a pleasant Thursday this week regardless. Cheers, everyone!
Heresy Era Alpha Legion – Tactical Squad built
by Mordian7th | Nov 22, 2015