Hey guys! so here are the entrants for the fifth painting challenge! Some amazing work here by the guys! Really got my motor running and enjoyed taking part and seeing the entries a lot!

Anyway now for the voting, very simple: Choose your favourite (hard part!), tweet your vote to me (@paint_hammer) or as a comment to this blog post. One vote per person please and no self voting ;) Voting will close at 2359 BST on Tuesday the 1st of December. Shameless self promotion and bribes are recommended and encouraged!

DISCLAIMER: Please contact me ASAP if anything is wrong, I have missed your entry or to vent #RichHate. Not everyone listened to me (standard) and didn’t submit via twitter DM (bad monkeys!!!) as they were meant to lol.

Rich P

Rich P

Rich P

Rich P

Rich P

Rich P

Rich P

Mike C

Mike C

Mike C

Mike C

Mike C

Mike C

Mike C




Scott S

Scott S

Scott S

Andy C

Andy C

Andy C

Andy C

Graeme D

Graeme D

Graeme D

Graeme D