This weekend I got some work done on the Dusk Wold Recon Squad..  I really like the look of these guys. It might not look like a lot but beside cleaning them off and figure out the combo I was based them up. I wanted them to be scared up and worn.
 I frayed some of their cloaks .. not all of them but I wanted the shotgun guys to be a little more beat up. Since they would be up in the mix of it they would take more of the shots. I really like the look of the about guy.. the shotgun has a real badass look..
I also started on the Dreadnaught bits.. 8) Right now it's just the under colors, I'll be adding the chipping fluid and bone/white color. I'm looking forward to getting these done and I'm already thinking about ordering up some more..  I'd like to have a couple of squads with normal bolters. The cloaks really add some flavor to them..  hopefully I'll be able to get some more done this week..  with the Holidays fast approaching I've barely had time to do anything ..