These sessions were originally recorded 11/1 and 11/8/2015.

Nov. 1, 6:37pm

From the Journal of Josephine Maxwell
October 21st, 1875

I set up my camera in the house that I had taken a picture of.  We stayed in the house over the night.

We did not see or feel anything strange.  We did hear the scream in the middle of the night.  We went outside to investigate but found nothing.

The next morning I went out to go take a picture of the men that were working on building at the spirit lodge.  The was a very strange aura that we could all feel.  Once the picture was developed, it was very disturbing.  I took it to the Yellow Rose to show them.  It had a blackness behind the people in the picture where the lodge should be.

That night, a few of us decide to stay up and watch the town.  We set lanterns and  I laid red clay dust along the entrances and exits of town.  That night I found the locket from the house in my bedding.

In the middle of the night we heard the scream again and followed it to find a girl in the middle of town.  She looked sad, and pointed out of town toward the stream.  We went out to the area indicated and found a lit cabin.

We called out to the cabin, and an evil-seeming man came out to greet us.  There was a strange horse.  He told us there were lots of spirits in the creek.  He suddenly asked about the locket that I had.  I showed it to him after it seemed to get warm.  The man said his name was Burke.  He grabbed my arms and tried to make a drinking motion toward it.

Juan punched him and he let go of my arm.  We went back to town.  There was a trail through the clay dust where the girl had walked.

The next morning, we headed out of town after a nap.  We went to investigate the creek.  We found an old cabin.  In the cabin, under the floorboards we found three bodies buried in the ground.  There were two women and a girl.  We take them to bury them in the church yard.

The nightly screams cease.

Nov. 8, 6:37pm

From the Journal of Josephine Maxwell
October 31st, 1875

We decided to have a celebration around the totem and try to raise the spirits of people around town.  The kids are going to trick or treat.

After the party is over we hear a man yelling for help.  We run to try to help him - he was covered in blood and proclaimed "They're coming!"  Then he ran away.  We went to see who "they" were.  Out of the darkness came a blood-covered woman who was missing half her head.

All the men shot her.  She fell to the ground.  Just then we heard more shuffling footsteps in the dark.  There were more people covered in blood with split heads  The things moved in a terrible way, and were upon us in moments.

We shot the men and took the bodies to the house of the Doctor.  A man from town panicked when he we saw the bodies and us covered in blood.  We all go to get cleaned.

Not long after that we heard gunfire and a terrible roar outside of town.

November 1st, 1875

The sheriff went to find the man that we saw covered in blood  The man has left town.

A stage stopped in town to drop off a passenger.