Space Wolves vs. Chaos Space Marines
Being in this hobby for nearly twenty-five years I have witnessed so many fundamental changes throughout the game.  One huge change is the quality of terrain that is available to the public at what is a low cost of entry.  Now, I understand that's a very subjective statement.  The truth of the matter is that the skill set and the time to make really great terrain is something few people possess.  It is a separate branch of the hobby altogether.  Furthermore, the rules of the game have changed in reference to what is need for the game mechanic, regardless of their aesthetic value. 

Check out the video here!
This is an example of one of our terrain light tables, much more challenging for a close combat army.

Large city fight Apocalypse table, 12 X 4 feet.

This is an example of our average city terrain, lots of line of sight blocking elements.

Notice the height of various buildings, this can total change the dynamic of the game.

This small board was themed for Kill Team games.

Larger game for teams game play.