Hello fellow wasteland wanderers.

It’s taken a bit longer and we haven’t done as much as I would’ve liked but the first update is here. Other recreational activities have gotten in the way, but I think the stuff we have made so far looks pretty good, and when we have a whole table set out on a desert board I reckon it’ll look pretty damn effective.

KrisWell, lookie who got hold of the camera when I wasn’t looking and thinks he’s really clever. Well your big face in on the interwebz now, smartarse! This is Kris, and I have him to thank for persevering and making me try to use weathering powders, which are just pure awesome.


Barricade 1 Barricade 2

Creator: Andy. Rivets used: 21

Tin Building

Tin Building 1Tin Building 2Tin Building 3
Creator: Kris. Rivets used: None! Shocking behavior.

Sludge Pipe

Sludge Pump 1Sludge Pump 2Sludge Pump 3

Creator: Kris. Rivets used: 175

Rusty Shack

Rusty Shack 1Rusty Shack 2

Creator: Kris. Rivets used: 69 (counted in previous post).


RocksRock 2Rock 3Rock 1

Creator: Andy. Rivets used: None, surprisingly. Maybe I should’ve hidden one somewhere.

“R2D2″ Tank

R2D2 tank 1R2D2 tank 2

Creator: Andy. Rivets used: None. I made this ages ago for another Necromunda campaign but only just painted it recently. It’s named this way because I think it looks a bit like R2D2.

Gun Shack

Gun Shack 1Gun Shack 2Gun Shack 3Gun Shack 4

Creator: Kris. Rivets used: 49 (counted in a previous post). There’s a crazy amount of detail in this one, even down to the price list which is what the guns actually cost in-game!

Fortress/Encampment Walls

Fortress Wall Segment 1Fortress Wall Segment 2Fortress Wall Segment 3Fortress Wall Segment 4

Fortress Wall Segment 5Fortress Wall Segment 6

2 Piece Wall 12 Piece Wall 2

Creator: Andy. Rivets Used: 165 (across these 3 pieces). What I want to do with these is create some modular pieces so whoever is using them can link them together to mark out the out wall of an encampment. I was probably thinking about Mad Max 2 and Waterworld while doing these. The next piece I’m working on for this is a working, moving gateway. I’m pretty happy with how that is turning out so far, but I haven’t got any paint on it yet!

Well I hope you’ve enjoyed that little update. I’ll get you some more pictures just as soon as I have them, though I fear Borderlands 2 is going to kick the crap out of our productivity!

Total Rivet Count: 620