Huzzah! I had said a while back that this month had been a bit crazy. And that I had been travelling quite a bit as of late as well. Mostly to shows, as is usual of this time of year.

But the twist for me this time around is that instead of posting them up all on my blog, I actually was approached by Shane, the FPM editor/owner/chief of all things digital here, to write the reviews for his magazine! Wowzers eh?

You can find it, along with all the previous issues, here on their website - And as the above photo shows, it is only 1.30 British Pounds.. pretty good deal if you ask me ;)

The first review itself was of Huzzar, since I had travelled there back in Oct with BrokenToad owner Kris Toad.

I do want to write a bit more on the whole trip and more on the social aspects that I didn't touch upon as much inside the magazine. But I do go over and show a bit of the trip and the show in detail within this article.

It was a bit difficult to write up to be honest, as I was not sure on how I should write it. Could it be ok to write like I do on the blog here? Where whatever comes to my mind goes to the blog at times, and I write sort of how I speak as well ( spelling mistakes included ;) ). Shane assured me that it would be fine, and accepted the report all the same. So hopefully it goes over well enough there then!

From here Shane then entered in my second article of the magazine which was of a product review of the charity model from Monte San Savino... the Duelist!

It was the typical un-boxing here.. looking at the parts, the casting, the quality of it. With my normal words about how I received it, and what went into the piece as far as I was aware.

I can say that it is a great piece, and I can see that a lot of people are getting the black sailor kickstarter items now in the mail. If they are anything like this piece, then those people are very lucky. And the retail of them should do very well especially once more paint jobs pop up. I think they will be one to see at a lot of shows next year, along with this one popping up a ton at Monte next year.

Speaking of Monte.. that was my final piece that was included in this month's issue...

If I were to sum up the points concerning Monte for this year it would be.. EPIC.. and a must go to event. More details on within the magazine again.

I have to thank Shane for finding a better photo of me than the one that was used in the who is Mr Lee's Minis article that was put in issue #30. Though I do look a bit smug ( I think I was taunting my wife in this photo... ) but it does make me more approachable than the original :)

Overall it seems I wrote quite a bit for the magazine, racking in 18 pages in total! Holy heck! That is 14% or more of the entire magazine! Crazyness here!!!!

But I do have to say that although the blog took a bit of a hit in posting ( sorry! ) it was a nice experience to write for the magazine. Not sure if this will become a regular thing ( I have a ton of things that I want to review still... but most of them will be for the blog still ) but expect to maybe see a few hitting the magazine still. And when the shows start back up again expect to see a few more reviews ( hopefully! ) be included in the magazine as well.

In the meantime, keep an eye out here on the blog.. I suspect some mini reviews of other aspects of the shows will appear shortly. Maybe a bit more of the social or side bits.. and especially maybe some of the aspects that I was not too thrilled about from the shows ( more from one than the other actually ).

Enjoy the week.. and if you are still curious about the articles.. have a look here to download a digital version of it and have a read! Curious on your thoughts!