Hello, sportsfans!

Welcome to another instalment of the Blood Bowl league. Lets dive straight in shall we?

Da Smashy Hitterz 1 – Magnusson’s Marauders 0

Sigh. Another loss for me! Now last time you saw my worst defeat to date when I lost 4-1. Despite the score, I’m pretty sure this game ever was worse by far. The problem was my dice. They seem to have taken a great dislike to me. It may have been because I wasn’t using my regular Blood Bowl D6, but pretty much ANYTIME I needed to do ANYTHING I’d roll the absolute worst result.

The ultimate wound this game caused me was turn 8 of the first half. Everything was setup perfectly. One of my Chaos Warriors had the ball, he had enough movement to cross the line without even making a dice roll. Scoring this touchdown would have also given him enough SPP to level up as well. But no. I had to try something at the opposite end of the field. The plan was to dodge a marauder out of an opponents tackle zone and into an area that would help another of my players push one of the horrid greenskins in to the crowd. I had a reroll to use if all went wrong, and I needed a 3+ to dodge out.


Reroll then.

2 again.

The dodging player trips over. The ball carrier is left standing like a dithering dickhead, turnover is called and the half ends along with my chances of an easy touchdown. Note to self:


Lesson learnt.

Hurdy Gurdy Hitmen 1 – The Ironbeard Guard 1

I got to watch this Block-fest match and, holy shit, it all went down here. My money was on the Norse if I’m going to be 100% honest.  They swarmed the stout dwarf team quickly from the kick-off and scored in the first few turns. This is how I imagined the rest of the game would be. How wrong I was.

It seems that losing their brother slayer in the previous match had stirred the fire in their bellies. They kicked it up a gear after the first touchdown scored against them, and took off the gloves. BAM, down goes a Norseman, put him in the dead and injured box. BAM, and another. BAM, whoops there goes the brand new Snow Troll. By the end of the game The Hurdy Gurdy Hitmen had SIX of their players laid out in the dead and injured box. They were lucky to have no-one actually die, but the two Norse runners took the brunt of it. Honir loses a point of strength and Baldur loses a point of armour, putting him on a very fragile AV6. If someone knocks him down its more than likely going to hurt from now on!

During the mayhem, Brek the Dwarven Runner, casually strolls in a touchdown for the equalizer. What a brutal match. Amazing!

We Just Want To Be Loved 1 – Red Mist Reavers 0

A buy for the Nurgle team. Sadly, Robin has decided to retire his team early from the league for legitimate reasons. He didn’t have access to his models that he had created for the Red Mist Reavers a season ago, and due to the fact that he kept having to use proxy models he never really got invested in them. You could say he didn’t get to bond with his team, which can sometimes be a deal breaker, especially for the fluff style players such as ourselves. He will hopefully be back next season as he is working on a new Norse team.

Ming’s Marauders 1 – Unnamed Goblin Team 0

The goblins strike again in their lack of turning up to a game!

I Told Them I Was Ill 1 – Unnamed Orc Team 2

Didn’t catch this game myself, but I hear it through the grapevine that the Orc team’s thrower, the best player on their team to date, was very slightly nibbled by some naughty zombies, and…er… might be a bit of a zombie himself now. That’s right, he’s dead and now playing for the other team (not a euphemism).

Al Gore’s Man Bear Pig Appreciation Society 1 – The Lack Lustrians 3

After the kicking the skaven received last game they were missing a load of players and had to sub in some journeymen (journeyrats?). The Lizards carry on their outrageous winning/scoring streak.

Fantasy Football Results Table

Total SPP        Team Name
70        Clueless Wonders
66        Bellend Hogs
65        Doc’s Depraved Delinquents
62        RRRiot POW-Lice
61        The Menagerie of Malcontent’s
60        Traci Lords of Change
60        The Southland Alliance
59        Team Hatstand
57        The Donkey Men
37        Van Hemlock’s Vandals

The Clueless Wonders aren’t acting all that clueless this round as they jump straight to the top. Something to watch out for will be all the players missing matches next week, that could really shake standing up a lot.

Players that will be missing the next round include:

Thor, Honir and Baldur (The Hurdy Gurdy Hitmen)
Eldgrim (Magnusson’s Marauders)

Newly hired players:

Dribblesnoz Vomshare the Troll (Da Smashy Hitterz)
Foehammer the Trollslayer (The Ironbeard Guard)
Meredear the Blitzer (Ming’s Marauders)
Tzatep the Skink (The Lack Lustrians)
Ratflaps and Scratch’n'Sniff the Linerats (Al Gore’s Man Bear Pig Appreciation Society)

Let us now honour the dead:

Unknown Orc ThrowerUnnamed Orc ThrowerUnnamed Orc Team
(Nibbled by a Necromancer)

There we have it. Round 4 shouldn’t be too far off from getting written up so keep those eyes peeled!
