You may recall a while back I expressed the need for a new miniature to represent the Hood in my new ruleset. I had been using Aragorn from GW's release of The Three Hunters (above), but his pose didn't really fit with what I needed.

Well, I have found something much better – not perfect but the closest match to what I have in my head. It's from a little manufacturer called Mad Puppet Miniatures.

This is the Wood Elf from their Fantasy Range and I think he looks awesome. Of course I will have to do some obligatory tinkering (I want to remove the blade in his right hand and replace it with a bow), but it's looking good.

The model arrived today and it looks like both hands will need pinning. Tricky, as they're so small but should be ok. My main concern though, as usual, was the scale – I just felt he was going to be too big. Thankfully I just about get away with it. He looks in good proportion next to the Rangers so that is fine with me!

Now I just need to build and paint it ;)

Add it to the list…!