So, in order to clear the decks a bit and prepare for a new era of hobby productivity, I decided to clear out the workshop under the house.

Now when we first rented this house, I saw the workshop as a bonus, lots of space for hobby, a reasonable bench and electrics. In reality it has been an under-utilised dumping ground without any proper organisation.

I tend to paint either in the office upstairs or on a small table in the lounge so that I can also spend time with my wife (given there is not much time left after work and taking care of the little one). As a result, scratch-built terrain projects have fallen by the way-side. But, as the summer holidays approach I hope to get more time down here so a clear out was necessary. 

I find I'm a hoarder of everyday bits and pieces that could one day be used in a hobby project. I have boxes of brackets, computer pieces, an old blade from a kitchen mixer, laundry basket handles, halogen light bulbs, every bit of polystyrene packaging for years and even an old home ventilation system. Basically anything with an interesting shape that could pass as scatter terrain in a hive or elsewhere.  

All of this sitting unloved in boxes but with the promise that I'll get there someday.

Hopefully, keeping them in boxes with the lids off will prompt me to these items' continued existence so when I do get to spend more time building terrain over the summer they will get used. 

Anyone got any tips for managing the stores of potential hobby supplies? 

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