These sessions were originally recorded 11/15, 11/22 and 11/29/2015.

Nov. 11, 6:28pm

From the Journal of Josephine Maxwell
November 1st, 1875

We went to the next town (Round Bend) to notify them about dead bodies.  On the way to their town we find another dead body.

Jakey Wales stood over the body and cut himself.  A spirit came to him.  It said to him that it knew the man was dead and that it found him.

We found another body of a younger woman.  A quarter of a mile later we find another dead body.

In the town we found a bunch of dead people (35).  There was smoke coming from someplace in the town.  As we walked into the town we noticed all the bodies were all face down facing Smokefall.  I also noticed there were a lot of blackbirds.

Jakey Wales seemed to be surrounded by a spirit.

We walked into the church and it all seemed to be covered in blood.  The group decided to go into the saloon and see who was alive there.  In the saloon, we found a man who seemed very disturbed and said he hadn't and wouldn't go outside for days.  He said he would make a meal for the group, but we went to investigate the town.

I headed quickly back to Smokefall before they did so.

November 2nd, 1875

After the group returned to town I showed them the picture I had taken of Jakey Wales.  There was a mist around him that seemed to suggest a human face.

The Doctor's Office caught fire.  Doc ran out of town toward the totem.  Juan saw the Doc and followed him.  Once they got out there the Doc turned wolf-like and scared Juan away.  They both ran back into town.

A man came into town and the Doc told the man about the wolf spirit.  The man told the Doc that he could help him.  The Doc goes with him and everyone heads off to find items the man told them to look for.

I went with the man and the Doc.  Just outside of town the man pulled a gun on the Doc and said to go to the locus barn.  I turned to shoot the man, and shot off his hat.  He shot me and then the Doc shot him.  The Doc and I hopped on my horse and rode into town.

The others went to go see if they could find the man.  They only saw a trail of blood.  After the group came back, we debated on what we could do to help the doc and he requested to be tied up.  The Doc then started to speak in gibberish.

Jakey excused himself and returned shortly thereafter.  He grabbed the Doc and made for the locus.  In the barn, they say a wolf monster battled an eagle spirit, and in the end the eagle ate the wolf.  It then told Mr. Wales to come back regularly.

We went back to the saloon and then the creepy guy from the river, Burke came in.  He suggested that he knew what was going on, and we should agree to help him.  He explains that in return for the locket, he will give us information on the demons that plague us.

Burke told us when Oderinko the Shaman's tablet was destroyed, it released 7 demons into the world.  He said the demons had learned things from their imprisonment.  Burke's horse walks around on the boardwalk watching us.

Demons of Table Rock
  • Lo'khahn the Avenger (Malus Locus at Table Rock)
  • Kho'al the Warrior (Reverend Revenant)
  • Voku'ale the Serpent (Burke)
  • Saskahale the Black Wolf (sent to Hell, was urging the Doc)
  • Mo'shaz the Collector (Farmer O'dell)
  • Ramaho the Denier (Jed Kinley)
  • Lasa-Ayo the Silent (Tanya Kinley)